The greatest revolution in the world of investment will reach us with the creation of the Paneuropea account, with which Brussels intends to transfer the ten billion euros – which is calculated are in deposits – towards investment products that serve to finance in Europe the challenges of AI, defense, strategic autonomy and even the decent climate change. At the moment we have many more doubts than certainties, but the perfect mirror to look at is the Swedish model while they resolve unknowns in the coming months.
The country of northern lights is also the highest level of financial culture in the world because during the last half century it has made education to the investor its spine. In 1978 the Swedish government launched a special savings account to encourage citizens to invest in rental funds of national companies quoted on the stock market. Each crown saved in this type of funds was deductible between 20% -30% of the IRPF and the yields received from these assets were tax exempt for five years. In a five years, the number of variable income savings fund accounts grew from 75,000 to 520,000 and the value of materialized assets was multiplied by ten.
Popular capitalism has caused an approach of the individual to the stock market for which today Sweden is a model to imitate throughout the world in which it has achieved that the savings of its society finance the growth of its companies. In the last ten years, Sweden has signed up for 500 departures, standing in the second place of the OPVs by country, only surpassed by the United Kingdom. In this decade Sweden has listed more new companies than France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain together.
The definitive conversion of the Swedish society of savers to investors occurred in 2012 when introducing the country a savings account with a more simplified approach to manage financial instruments and pay in a simple and favorable tax if savings go to investment. The majority of Sweden banks offer the ISK account, the mirror that we must look for for the Paneuropea account, because the influx of money to this instrument has far exceeded government expectations.
With an adult population of 7.5 million people there are now 3.8 million Swedes with the ISK and an average capital close to 30,000 euros. The savings of the Swedish population as a whole amounts to the billion and a half of euros, but with an infinitely more correct distribution than that of the Spanish market. Deposits represent 14% of the financial savings of Swedes -33% in Spain-, while savings for insurance and pensions reach 37% compared to low 8% of Spaniards.
#Sweden #perfect #mirror #popular #capitalism