Pavel Petronel Tanase is one of the workers who lost his life in the explosion of the Suviana hydroelectric power plant, a family man and an attentive worker
Yesterday 9 April, a terrible explosion in the Bargi power plant claimed the lives of several workers. Today the search continues, albeit with various difficulties, for the missing workers. The community of Suviana rallies around the families of the victims. The Romanian community and the entire town are speaking today about Pavel Petronel Tanasea hard worker and a family man.
Yesterday around 3 pm an explosion in the Enel hydroelectric power plant in the artificial basin of Suviana, has devastated many families. Among these, the family of Pavel Petronel Tanase, 45 year old originally from Romania, but in Italy for years with his wife. It is 2000 when Pavel together with his wife Laura they decide to move from Iasi, Italy, to Seventh Torinese. In 2010 they became parents of twins, now fourteen. The whole community rallies around the family, respecting the privacy requested by the wife also to protect the twins. The two young people today, supported by the school psychologist, learned of their father's death. The professional he has declared:
“They learned of their father's death with dignity, but with deep sorrow.”
The wife, shaken by enormous pain, is maintaining great confidentiality about the incident. She doesn't speak to journalists, but she agrees to receive the mayor's office Seventh Torinese, Elena Piastrawhich respects the request for privacy and adds:
“Pavel's is a very reserved family, shaken by what happened and with few people around, since they don't have many relatives here in Italy.”
The whole town is shaken by what happened. They all describe Pavel Petronel Tanase as an excellent worker and a good father and husband. A huge loss for his loved ones and for the entire community. Even the shepherd Paul Porcescu, belonging to the Romanian community of the city wanted to remember Pavel with honor and respect:
“I knew them, even if they didn't come to church every day, also because he was away on business and she had to take care of the children. Even asking around, everyone had only good words for the family. In agreement with the mayor Elena Piastra, we will take care of the funeral. The burial will be in Settimo”
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