Suspected criminal offenses There was a mass fight in Espoo late Monday night

Police are investigating the case as, among other things, aggravated assault and an illegal threat.

Six the person was involved in an incident at a gas station in Espoo late Monday night.

According to a police release, a violent clash took place in the yard of the Vallikallio gas station, which also involved sharp weapons. According to police, the people involved are adults.

Police arrested six people on Monday night on suspicion of numerous violent crimes. The police of Länsi-Uusimaa are investigating what happened, among other things, as a gross assault and an illegal threat.

Gas station there were people and customers inside at the time of the incident, but the release does not indicate that they were in danger in the situation.

At the end of the confrontation, one of the suspects had driven his car towards the others. However, others had had time to dodge the car. None of those present were seriously injured in the situation, the release said.

Those who have seen the situation or made observations related to it can contact the police by e-mail [email protected] or by telephone 0295 413 031 (respondent).

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