After decades and decades of waiting, Mickey Mouse, in his version of Steamboat Willie, has entered the public domain. However, this will not be the only character that reaches the hands of the general public, since the first versions of batmanSuperman and Wonder Woman will soon be available for use by all interested.
According to Variety, copyright laws for early versions of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman will come to an end in the next decade. This means that DC's most popular trio will enter the public domain in 2034, 2035 and 2037, respectively.. However, it must be made clear that we are talking about the first appearances of these heroes, and many of the elements that we associate with them will continue in the hands of Warner Bros.
An example of this is Superman, who in his first appearances in Detective Comics was not able to fly, only jumped very high. In this way, if someone wants to make a series or movie with Superman in 2034, they will have to make it with the original design of this character, and they will not be able to make him fly, since this would violate copyright laws. cConsidering that Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters have already been brought into the world of horror, it will be interesting to see what audiences will do when they get their hands on these iconic characters. Maybe Zack Snyder can finally make the movies he had wanted so much.
For its part, it has been mentioned that Warner Bros. has asked those responsible for these characters for new versions, which they can have in control for another century. This way, if in the next few years we see another reboot of Batman in the comics, but now with a slightly different design, don't be surprised, since it is a tactic for the company to continue owning the most popular elements of these characters.
We can only wait and see what will happen to these characters in the coming years. Remember, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman will enter the public domain in 2034, 2035 and 2037 respectively.. On related topics, they create live action of Batman Beyond. Likewise, Rocksteady didn't work on a Superman game.
Editor's Note:
It will be interesting to see what audiences will make of these characters. Considering that the first idea that comes to most people's minds is to make them evil, once this gets out of their systems, we will finally see works that interestingly explore their mythologies and roles in today's society.
Via: Variety
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