Storms Tropical storm kills nearly 80 people in Madagascar, Mozambique and Malawi – a new storm has already formed in the Indian Ocean

Tens of thousands of homes have been damaged in storm-ravaged areas.

To the southeast Tropical storm Ana, which has hit Africa, has killed at least 77 people in Madagascar, Mozambique and Malawi, authorities said on Thursday. There are now 48 deaths in Madagascar, compared with 18 in Mozambique and 11 in Malawi.

In addition, tens of thousands of homes have been damaged in storm-ravaged areas. Some homes have collapsed due to heavy rains. Flooded rivers have taken bridges with them, left fields under water and drowned cattle.

In Madagascar, some 130,000 people have fled their homes due to the storm. In the country’s capital, Antananarivo, schools and gyms have been converted into emergency accommodation.

“We only brought our most important belongings with us,” who came to the local gym sheltered with his family of ten. Berthine Razafiarisoa told the news agency AFP.

In northern and central Mozambique, Ana destroyed an estimated 10,000 homes and dozens of schools and hospitals and demolished power lines.

In much of Malawi, electricity went down earlier in the week when floodwaters hit power stations. Electricity was restored to part of the country by Thursday, but part of the electricity grid has been destroyed in the storm.

Storm Ana hit Madagascar on Monday, after which it ravaged Mozambique and Malawi. Remains of the storm also crossed Zimbabwe, but no casualties have been reported in the area.

Mozambique and international weather services have warned that a new storm has already formed in the Indian Ocean. A storm called Batsirai has been warned to strike the mainland in the coming days.

“It could turn into a tropical storm in the coming days,” the UN warned in a statement.

Mozambique in particular has suffered from several devastating storms in recent years.

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