On average, the Spaniards spend 19,488 euros a year In essential services, which supposes spending in light, gas, internet, home and car insurance, mobile rate, etc. Thus it follows from an analysis carried out by Roamsa digital platform that helps the consumer to optimize household expenses. This means that, on average, households in Spain allocate 45.6% of your budget to spending in this type of services.
The differences between provinces are notable. Jaén, Cáceres and Huelva They are among the cities with the cost of life more economic nationally. The Jienenses, Cacereños and Huelva pay, on average, just over 15,000 euros a year for all these types of services that use, to a greater or lesser extent, in their day to day.
Completely opposite situation for those who live in San Sebastián, Madrid and Barcelonasince they pay twice. In any of these three capitals, the average spending is above the 30,000 euros a year. Something that does not surprise, since they are just the same ones that are placed at the head of the ranking in terms of housing. They are the Spanish cities in which both the purchase and the rent of the house is more expensive.
Now, the standard of living is intrinsically related to the Average salary that is charged in each city. In fact, the average salary that enters a home exceeds € 53,000 both in San Sebastián, Madrid and Barcelona. This means, therefore, that the percentage of budget that households allocate to all this type of services, in relation to their salary, in San Sebastián, Madrid and Barcelona is approximately one 60%; while in the case of Jaén, Cáceres and Huelva – more cheaper cities – it is from a 45%.
Most of the products and services we need in our daily lives have different prices depending on the province in which it is resided. «The invoice of an hourly discrimination light rate can be between 65 and 93 euros more face a year on the peninsula that in the Canary Islands or Ceuta and Melilla, respectively, since VAT in the Peninsula has now returned to 21%; In the Canary Islands the IGIC is 7% and in the autonomous cities 1% of IPSI is paid », according to calculations made by Roams. And, along the same lines, it happens with gas.
«In the case of Home and car insurancethe price varies depending on many aspects, but there is one of them that is referring to the location, in which the weather comes into play, among other factors, which make the price of these policies vary from one province to another » , they point out from Roams, to which they add «in this line, there are differences of up to 220 euros on average a year in the quota of car insurance between who lives in Vitoria and Ceuta that are the cities with the lowest and highest price respectively ».
The local taxes -Ibi, garbage rate, mechanical traction vehicles tax-, water, shopping basket, gasoline or diesel for the car, gym fee, or leaving reeds, will vary considerably One city to another.
«Yes, it is surprising that in cities like Barcelona (€ 261.39/year) less in public transport that in Pontevedra (€ 442/year). This can come motivated because in large cities, there are bonds with flat rate; While in smaller cities, as is the case of the Galician city, there is not this option, and other systems such as the purse card are used, which in the end will not be so profitable, ”he emphasizes.
«The streaming platforms and mobile lineswhich have common prices nationwide. However, in the case of fiber for home, it can vary according to location and whether the brand arrives with its own fiber or not. Great operators such as Movistar, Masorange or Vodafone maintain the same prices for all provinces; While, on the other hand, OMV as Finetwork and Lowi have special prices where their own fiber arrives, ”he concludes.
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