To access the recreation of what the eclipse will look like in your city, You only need to enter the website intended for this purpose and enter the zip code of your location to obtain a simulation of what you will be able to see on April 8.
It will be seen in different parts of the country.
Where will the 2024 solar eclipse be visible in the United States?
It cannot be observed with the same intensity in the entire country, This will depend on where you are. According to US Todaythe eclipse path will cross 13 states from Texas to Maine.
In accordance with Time Out, The states with the best views of the 2024 solar eclipse They will be Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
You should consider that Total solar eclipses are rare astronomical events, According to experts, they only occur every 18 months around the world. In accordance with Nationaleclipse.commany of them occur over the ocean or in very remote parts of the world, so The last one that could be seen in the United States was in 2017.
Compared with the previous one, the total solar eclipse of 2024 will last longerwill have a broader totality trajectory and will be visible in more major cities than the last one.
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