Last Monday, a historic event occurred in Mexico and other parts of the world, the total solar eclipse, which moved large numbers of people to take specialized glasses and look at the sky to contemplate such a unique phenomenon that will not happen again until in almost 30 more years. This had the consequence that they gave comments among the community, but above all, that they took time to detach themselves from daily activities such as leisure, work or school.
According to a report by cloudflare, a large part of the inhabitants of this country stopped interacting for a few moments with the world of the internet, a feat that is difficult to achieve, since we live in a world where at least every ten minutes people take their cell phones to see news on social networks. . Among the data, it is noted that traffic dropped by 57% just at noon, the peak moment of the space phenomenon, and this not only happened in Mexico, but also in United States and Canada.
These were the states where internet visits fell the most: Durango (57% at 12:15 p.m.), Coahuila (43% at 12:15 p.m.), Sinaloa (34% at 11:10 a.m.), and Ciudad from Mexico (22% at 12:10 p.m.).
This was commented by a member of cloudflare:
It is no coincidence that in the face of a long-awaited and unusual phenomenon, Mexican users have decided to put down their cell phones and look towards what nature gave us. Our data reveals that, beyond publishing a photograph or video, Internet users clearly left their social networks and even their work on digital platforms for a few hours to experience something that will remain in their memories forever.
It is worth mentioning that many trips were reported to key cities where the phenomenon would take place, among the busiest places was Durango, Mazatlan and also Saltillo. And now, in 2052, the locations will change to see the event, which will surely surprise new generations of human beings.
Via: cloudflare
Editor's note: It is a fact that many left their cell phones aside to witness this event, and now the question will arise as to how advanced we will be in 2052 and if there will be the same result. Something that would be great is to have a telescope to take a closer look at all this.
#Solar #eclipse #achieved #incredible #Mexico