1 Be humble in victory. This time you won: because of your effort, because of your match or because of luck. Or for all of that together. But think humbly of victory. Victory has rules and we must assume them with caution. Nothing is worse than gloating over your opponent’s defeat. Don’t brag. Don’t talk about your great gifts or abilities. Nobody wins alone. There were many and many circumstances that made you win this time. Be humble and dignified with your triumph. Fate will not always be favorable.
2. Don’t forget to come back. Go back to where the people gave you their support. With the people who believed in you. Do not lose yourself in large banquets, in idle party events or in frivolities. Don’t shy away from your responsibilities and your constituents. The temptation of luminaries and ephemeral fame is always in politicians. There are those who no longer want to look at those who led them to victory.
3. Keep your promise. You sure made a lot of promises in your campaign. He will do harm if he does not comply with them. Don’t bet on people forgetting. Stand by your word. The people gave you their vote because they trusted that you would deliver. The word is sacred in politics although it is often not fulfilled. The promise kept is an act of honor.
4. Don’t forget what the position is for. There are those who come to office and do not know what to do in it. Political positions are not to be enjoyed. They are to serve and commit. To make the greatest effort to dignify them. You went and begged to be voted for. He made promises and said he would be the best of public servants. There are those who win and forget why they wanted the position. What did you want the position for? Ask yourself every day.
5. Don’t hide from people. You owe it to the people. But then it happens that politicians, once in office, no longer want to listen to those who brought them to power through votes. They do not receive their demands, they avoid having meetings, they hide in their offices and in their agendas. They are bothered by problems. Of the face. Don’t run away.
6. Dare. The greatest responsibility of a politician is to decide. Big problems require solutions. But there are politicians who like to float. Evade. Don’t commit to your decisions. They don’t dare to avoid getting scratched. They think that the problems will go away little by little or that they will resolve themselves one day. Be brave and don’t delay problems. Dare.
7. Don’t let pride win. Don’t think you’re the best because you won. Don’t change your ways and your ways. Be as you have always been. Politics are circumstances that sometimes favor but sometimes not. Know that the vanity of power is a disease from which few escape. It is a disease that sooner or later sinks. I did not forget it.
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