1 . Land work. The pure ones social networks They don't win elections. These are won on the street, in face-to-face proselytizing. With the electoral structure and with the territorial organization networks. With the neighbors, the organizations of professionals. With motorists. With the work of many supporters in the workplaces, neighborhoods, markets, with the ordinary citizen. Not everything is propaganda. Contact and convincing people is crucial in an election. There lies victory or defeat.
2. Party work. Woe to the candidate who believes the story that parties do not win elections. Yes, indeed, they are not enough, but without them you cannot win. They continue to be indispensable electoral vehicles. However, there are party leaders They don't want their candidates to win. It's a contradiction, but it's pure pragmatism. If their candidates win, they have power and budget. If they lose, those in charge are the party bureaucrats.
3- A narrative that convinces. People must be informed what a candidacy is about. What do you propose, why should you change those who are there. Why should I vote for the opposition candidate. He official candidate They must convince the electorate about what they have done to deserve people to elect them again. What results does it have? What explanation is there for what could not be done or what was done wrong? Have a compelling narrative It is essential for a good part of the electorate to make their decision in favor at the polls.
4. Be clear about the type of voters. Each candidate must be clear about the division of their audiences. In a campaign you cannot go around with generalities. If he wants to talk to everyone, he will end up not talking to anyone. A rule in electoral politics is to go for those at home first. His army. The faithful who will be there supporting more for sympathy and belonging than by rationality. You should never belittle your supporters and assume that they are safe. They need the candidate's attention.
5. The electoral organization. Without electoral organization, elections are not won. The image, the spot, the networks matter but never as much as the strategy on the battlefield. Where are the electoral strengths? What does recent electoral history say? Which places to go and which not to? How good are those in charge of this strategy? Who evaluates them?
6. The precise information. The information generated by public opinion is not always correct. Don't believe everything they tell you. The candidate brings the pulse of the campaign. He knows if he is doing well or not. He should not blindly trust the information he is given. That he does not blindly trust the polls. Nor in the unbridled enthusiasms of the consultants.
7. Luck. There is also luck in campaigns. Elections are not always acts of justice. The best don't always win. Finally, fortune is one of the muses of politics. To win an election many things need to happen. And, of course, may luck always be close by.
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