“The 'Black mirror' pillory exists, the jackals too, but the problem is not 'the web'”, the title of the article
“The 'Black mirror' pillory exists, the jackals too, but the problem is not 'the web'”. This is the title of an article published today in the 'Foglio' by its director Claudio Cerasa on the shitstorm that hit Giovanna Pedretti, owner of the Le Vignole pizzeria in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, “found dead on Sunday evening after ending up in a vortex of accusations for having created nothing less than a false review on Google”, writes Cerasa. A story “that deserves to be framed without hypocrisy and without linguistic loopholes, that is, limiting ourselves to translating into Italian an expression that has now sadly become the heritage of humanity: shitstorm. Literally: shit storm”, adds the director of the 'Foglio'.
A storm which, he observes, started a few days ago from the social accounts “of a famous influencer with millions of followers who chose to use the firepower of her platforms to add a new piece to her prestigious CV”. Cerasa describes the operation with an example, i.e. “take a fan, turn the engine against the neighbor, make sure if possible that the neighbor does not have the tools to defend himself, then slowly slide as many shits as possible in front of the blades, direct the excrement towards the unfortunate person in question and finally demand that those who observe the scene obsequiously define all this journalism”. The director of the 'Foglio' posted the article on his Instagram profile, receiving a 'like' from Fedez.
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