Scotland is on track to adopt some of the most progressive gender legislation in Europe. With the exception of the country’s independence, it is the first time that an issue has so divided society and especially Scottish politicians.
The “Gender Recognition Reform Bill”, currently under discussion in the Scottish Parliament, intends to radically facilitate the acquisition of a “Gender Recognition Certificate” (GRC), a document that establishes that their gender “does not is the one who was assigned at birth.”
This certificate allows you to request a new birth certificate, taking into account the new gender identity. It also allows to obtain recognition of this change in identity documents.
The GRC has been available in British – and therefore Scottish – law since 2004, but to get it transgender people must have a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria”. The bill eliminates this stage of the medical diagnosis: a simple declaration is enough, which can be produced just three months after the person in question “begins to live in his new gender identity”.
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