Science in HS 50 years ago | A new method is being tried at Kiteenjärvi

In Kiteenjärvi, an attempt was made to improve the condition of the lake by oxidizing it in 1974.

In February 1974: By artificially oxidizing, they are trying to keep Kiteenjärvi, condemned to die, alive.

Experiments with a new type of method have begun in the lake, where oxygen-free groundwater is recycled to an oxidation device on the surface and led back to the bottom. The first oxidation results show that the condition of the water has improved in just a few days. – –

Due to prolonged nutrient loading, the lake has fallen into a vicious circle, where it is already fertilizing itself. This has led to the loss of the walleye population in the lake and the continuous expansion of the anoxic water layer. – –

It is the lack of oxygen that causes the nutrients accumulated at the bottom over the centuries to dissolve back into the water. This winter, the water samples taken from the bottom have been almost opaque due to their humus and nutrient content. – –

Kiteenjärvi's problem is that, except for the middle depth, it is quite shallow. Water circulation in the lake is bad, because water enters and leaves the lake from the same end. – –

In addition, the sewage from the church village loads the lake despite the treatment plant.

In oxidation the tested method is based on the invention of Pauli Ister from Helsinki, where water can be raised from the desired depth to the equipment on the surface of the water to be oxidized and lead back to the desired depth.

Under laboratory conditions, the device has reached 100% dissolution when using oxygen ]and 60% dissolution of oxygen when using air.

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