On the left Emanuele Filiberto; on the right Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy
Savoy legacy, the secret chest and the treasure in the sacristy of the Bank of Italy
Vittorio Emanuele Of Savoy he died and the chapter of succession for the heirs immediately opened. But many things that belonged to the Royal house are no longer there. For example, the many propertiesthe royal residences in Italy. Everything now – we read in Il Corriere della Sera – falls under the control of the Italian state, Palazzo Madama in Turin as the Racconigi castle or the Royal Venaria. But in France And Swiss, however, the Savoys have different properties. For example, for centuries they were the owners of the Altacomba Abbey where King Umberto was buried in 83. Then the abbey was handed over to the French state. Therefore today the properties that Emanuele Filiberto inherits are immovable — a Geneva or Paris with the Cavallo villa and Gstaad chalet — which Vittorio Emanuele had purchased or had built with the profits of years of commercial mediation, especially the period in which he worked for Agusta to place orders for helicopters, exploiting his network of aristocratic connections: from his cousin King Baudouin of Belgium to the Shah of Persia.
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The mystery remains – continues Il Corriere – of the fabulous Crown Jewelsor rather the Jewels kept in the sacristy of Bank of Italy. “The great diadem which was of Queen Margaret, the most elegant sovereign of the House of Savoy who appeared at the theater in Vienna, dressed in red and glittering with diamonds and pearls. Then there are diamonds and teardrop pearls. And pins, two large braceletsa chocker, a large riviére of brilliantand a large chain with final tassels and five large precious bows that the sovereign often wore: all pieces made by the jeweler Musy which over the years were worn by the queen Margherita and Queen Elena, never Maria José the last queen”, as the expert Stefano Papi, who was on the trail of the royal treasure of the House of Savoy Years ago.
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