The coroner who performed the autopsy to the body of Sara Gómezthe woman who died in 2022 at Santa Lucía Hospital (Cartagena, Murcia) after being submitted a month before to a Liposculpture operation In a clinic, and two experts have agreed this Friday to point out that There was bad praxis in the intervention.
The three have declared in the proceedings that are processed in a Court of Instruction of Cartagena in the figures as investigated both the surgeon who practiced liposculpture Like the anesthetist that also intervened in it.
The three, as declared the lawyer Murcia Evarist Neither with training nor preparation precise for this type of operations and that the technique he used was not the most appropriate.
The coroner of the Institute of Legal Medicine has ratified its autopsy report, which indicates that It would have been advisable to perform a laparotomy -Aperture of the abdominal cavity- Upon Sara’s arrival to the hospital to detect the infection that was then verified and that ended her life.
And he added that the delay of five days in the first surgical intervention practiced in the hospital after cosmetic surgery at the clinic led to a peritonitis and all consequences that it was foreseeable that they occurred and that they were not taken into account at the time of their entry “despite the clinical and CT data that already reported it.”
The experts who have declared in this new diligence of the case are a chief of service of a hospital in Murcia, proposed by the Murcian Health Service (SMS), and another doctor designated by the private accusation, who They disagree with the opinion of the Forensic As for the emergency intervention that should have been made to the patient as soon as he arrives at the hospital.
Both have highlighted, as previously declared the 14 hospital doctors who declared as investigated, that this operation It was not advisable Due to its status. In this judicial case, which is processed for an alleged crime of homicide for recklessness, they are investigated from the first moment the surgeon who carried out the liposculpture, Jam, and the anesthetist who intervened in it, JGV, to whom the doctors who have then attended the woman in the aforementioned public hospital.
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