After the appearance of Pedro Sanchezthe Government control session has begun in Congress, in parallel with the resignation of Juan Lobato as general secretary of the Madrid PSOE. For this reason, the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarrabefore delving into his question, he addressed the PSOE in an ironic way to point out: “There are hours left for the federal Congress [del PSOE]it seems that the corrupt are not going to be purged, but Mr. Lobato has already resigned. You can all be quite calm“, he blurted out. Previously, the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, blurted out to Sánchez that “[Víctor] Aldama had a VIP pass in the Government“and the President of the Executive has answered that he is not going to accept “any lesson” from the PP in matters of corruption. For his part, before delving into the substance of his intervention,
#Sánchezs #appearance #live #Gamarra #PSOE #rest #assured #Lobato #resigned