Sánchez Acera disconnects Moncloa from the filtration of Ayuso’s couple and ensures that he came in the press

Pilar Sánchez Acera, exassora in Moncloa and right hand of Oscar López as the Secretary of Organization of the Madrid PSOE, has denied Wednesday in the Supreme Court that participated in the filtration of the confession of the couple of Isabel Díaz Ayuso. According to Judge Ángel Hurtado, they indicate legal sources, he has denied having received that email from the Prosecutor’s Office and has also denied having received orders from Moncloa for dissemination. What he received, in addition and as specified, had no email format.

Before the judge, as a witness and for about an hour, Sánchez Acera has explained that he received that communication, although without email format, of journalists who cover the information of the Community of Madrid but without remembering what concrete informant it was. He said that after leaving the Moncloa, he changed mobile phone. Subsequently, Francesc Vallès has declared, then Secretary of State for Communication, who has also denied having participated in any type of filtration.

Pilar Sánchez Acera, Secretary of Organization of the PSOE in Madrid, and Francesc Vallès, former Secretary of State for Communication, were called to testify by Judge Hurtado after Juan Lobato came to declare to the Supreme Court. The senator and then leader of the Madrid socialists explained in the Supreme Court that Sánchez Acera, on the morning of March 14, 2024, sent him the content of the full mail with the confession of the Ayuso couple to wield it in the Madrid Assembly that morning. It happened, according to his testimony, before the media were published.

Lobato has explained in several interviews and public appearances that consigned those messages before a notary to dodge a possible imputation, considering that they could not use in public a documentation that had not yet been made public. The Civil Guard certified in a report that the then Advisor of Moncloa had had access to that information but the messages provided by Lobato did not reveal how the mail had obtained: “Because they arrive, they have the media,” Lobato’s questions told questions.

The messages provided by Lobato also reflect how Vallès, then head of communication in La Moncloa, was interested in the matter. The judge then deduced that there was a joint strategy from the Prosecutor’s Office and the Government to filter the confession of the businessman and harm Isabel Díaz Ayuso, although he finally decided to quote Sánchez Acera and Vallès as witnesses.

Before the judge, Sánchez Acera has tried to unlink his messages from the Prosecutor’s Office and also from the Moncloa in which he then worked as the head of the Cabinet of Oscar López, framing those conversations in his status as a member of the executive of the Madrid PSOE who at that time still led Lobato.

Francesc Vallès, former Secretary of State for Communication, has tried to deny before Judge Ángel Hurtado that he participated in the filtration of the confession of the couple of Isabel Díaz Ayuso. At no time sent the document to Juan Lobato, then leader of the PSOE of Madrid, and only met him when he was published by the press in the morning of March 14.

Vallès has explained to the judge that at that time he was focused on the Catalan elections and that in those days he limited himself to bouncing Lobato the news that they were published on the case of Alberto González Amador. He has denied having urged Lobato or his environment to publish that email.

#Sánchez #Acera #disconnects #Moncloa #filtration #Ayusos #couple #ensures #press

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