The company said in a statement carried by the Russian Sputnik News Agency on Monday that the flight is scheduled to begin during the third or fourth quarter of 2025, and the launch site will be from the Baikonur Space Base (Kazakhstan)..
She explained that the duration of the trip to the International Space Station will be about 3 hours, and that the planned stay at the station is 10 days, while the total preparation time for the trip will be 10 months, and the active preparation period for the trip is from 4 to 5 months..
The Soyuz MS spacecraft will carry a professional astronaut and two tourists, the Glavkosmos company added. The flight will include a medical examination, development of a flight program and personal training. Those preparing for the mission will receive sessions at the Cosmonaut Training Center located in the Moscow region..
#Russia #plans #launch #tourist #mission #International #Space #Station