The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robleshe formally confirmed on Wednesday what the president of the Community of Madrid already denounced last week, Isabel Díaz Ayuso: The Armed Forces will not participate in the civic-military parade that has been held for … decades on the occasion of the acts of May 2.
In a radio interview, Ayuso denounced that The Government “has prohibited for the first time” the military stop that is held since the years in which Joaquín Leguina He was Madrid president at the Puerta del Sol, to commemorate the popular uprising against the French invaders in 1808.
Defense then opted for silence And he rejected any statement about Ayuso’s announcement. The response has not arrived until Wednesday when Robles has been asked about the matter in the halls of the Congress, where the usual control session to the government is celebrated.
And it has been for Confirm what was reported by the Madrid Executivealthough with other arguments. The minister has argued that the Armed Forces will participate in the strictly military actsas is a tribute to the fallen in the Florida cemetery.
However, he said that the military presence in a civic act does not consider adequate. “Journal with a pasodoble may not be the best”he has slipped claiming that, despite this, the army “is always with Madrid.”
Ayuso revealed that his chief of cabinet and that of the minister had maintained a telephone conversation in which the Ministry informed that this year they could not accept the request for the participation of military units in the act of May two for reasons of agenda of Minister Margarita Robles, which will be found traveling in Latvia then.
The minister has not alluded to this matter at any time in the explanation given Wednesday, in which she has only defended that the Armed Forces must participate in military acts and not in those of a civic nature.
Precisely last year, when the Armed Forces did participate in the parade, the representation of the Government was in charge of the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, Ángel Víctor Torresbecause the Minister of Defense was traveling in Slovakia.
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