Borrasca Martinho continues in its advance in Spain, where it has already begun to leave “abundant and generalized rains and very strong wind gusts” in its path. The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) has already begun to ask for attention to the possible floods of channels in many provinces of our country, where rainfall these days could cause problems. The new station is already in Spain, which has made, despite the storm that we are living these days, many citizens already think about the good weather and the Holy Week vacations, that this 2025 is celebrated from April 13 to 20 of this month. Related Nosts Related Standard No Mario Picazo explains why it is raining so much in Spain this March: “It is being exceptional” Patricia Marcos Marcos Marcos Marcos Marcos Marcos Non -Jorge And cold that arrives in Spain with Borrasca Martinho Maa the waiting to know the official forecasts for this date so indicated in the calendar, there are many meteorological experts who have ventured to give their prediction for the coming weeks. The last to talk about Holy Week 2025 has been the journalist Roberto Brasero, known for almost 20 years the time of time in Antena 3, who explained how the atmosphere will be during the holiday. Brazter Roobe storms. Regarding the floods we have seen during these days in points of the south by the temporal Laurence, Brazero recalled that we are far from seeing the end of this rainfall episode: «The reservoirs three weeks ago were empty, now they are full. How long? The arrival of Borrasca Martinho will leave heavy rains in much of the country, although they will be less persistent than in previous days. “We do not see that the tap is closed,” said the meteorologist about what time holds for the next few days. So it will be the time of Holy Week in Spain according to the forecast of Roberto brazier, strong rainfall, which have endangered stability in many regions, threatens Holy Week, so Susanna Griso has not hesitated to ask for what will happen for what will happen during the festive era: ” During Holy Week will it rain? », He questioned the presenter of Antena 3. Rooberto Brasero has then referred to the uncertainty that still exists with respect to time, because there are still several weeks for this event:” Man, Holy Week is to go a month, “the journalist begins, making it clear that everything can change in the coming weeks according to the models. “It is true that, if we see the forecast up to one month, you do not see that change that you say ‘stop stummers from the Atlantic, a powerful anticyclone is closed and the door to the storms is closed,” recalled the meteorologist, referring to the fact that in the meteorological portals they continue to point out that instability and rains will be protagonists during the processions of Holy Week. Models point out an unstable atmosphere, “that does not mean that they come more” storms. «Nor can they come. We do not know if they will come for Holy Week. Next week it will stop, for example, and it will not be so rainy; But at the end of the week he can begin again and another one arrives, ”he wanted to clarify with respect to the succession of these last storms. Last, the meteorologist of Antena 3 has warned that the most likely scenario for Holy Week is that we have a rainy time in almost the entire country:” In the forecasts to brochazos yes it paints a week with rains superior to the average, “the expert concluded.
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