Two years after the implementation of the Education Law, known as the Celáa Law in classrooms, the Observatory of Religion in Schools wanted to analyze the perception of teachers about their subject in educational centers. The report, to which ABC had access and which is the first of its kind that has been carried out in our country, it has been carried out among a group of more than two thousand teachers from all over Spain through an anonymous questionnaire. The study reveals that the majority of Religion teachers, 66%, estimate that the Government law has caused greater difficulties for the teaching of religion in schools. This trend is maintained in all the autonomous communities, although in Cantabria, Galicia and Extremadura this majority exceeds 80%. 87% point out the lack of evaluation in the academic record as the greatest difficulty, only 11% think otherwise. The reduction in Religion hours is a difficulty for 78% of teachers, while 20% do not perceive it that way. Religion teachers are also very critical of the LOMLOE’s contribution to the school learning system in general.
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