A Cancer diagnosis It is a very stressful event for those who suffer from it. The news is assumed sadly and in many cases produces anxiety and depression. The thoughts that begin to appear in the minds of those who suffer from some of the types of cancer that exist are uncertainty and fear, and history is also very similar to the relatives of the sick.
People close to cancer patients may suffer clinical levels of depression and severe stress levels. The similarity in the levels of anguish between patients and family and friends of patients suggest that there are common factors that impact everyone’s anxiety levels. Some studies have determined that both parties could experience the commented conditions as well as that family functioning was important. In a study by National Library of Medicine, families that could act openly, express feelings directly and solve problems effectively had lower levels of depression. Therefore, the direct communication of information within the family was associated with little stress and anxiety.
María Navarro Martos, psychologist of the Spain Association against Cancer, indicates in this regard that patients and their families «react to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in various ways that affect their mental health. “It is normal to feel worried, sad, angry, anxious or isolated when a serious illness is suffered,” he acknowledges. It is also possible to have feelings of loss, your health or control of your life. “Emotions and mental health problems related to cancer can vary from person to person and from one day to another,” he emphasizes.
How to accompany a cancer patient
As we have seen, when a cancer diagnosis appears not only affects the person who receives it but also their relatives, and to a greater extent, those loved ones who are dedicated to their care and see him frequently.
Although the patient can feel the need in numerous moments of wanting to be alone and not attend to the care that their loved ones do to them, the truth is that it is natural to want to help the diagnosis of a friend/family. As María Navarro Martos indicates, “This support is essential for the person with cancer.”
Although there is no universal formula for Relieve the discomfort that generates cancer, can currently help “be informed about the disease, treatments, emotions that appear, ask our love judge, without minimizing your discomfort and emotions. Adapting to your rhythm is key, ”he says.
Family support
In most cases, the family is the main support from a patient of cancer. The care and time invested in the patient are vital for the patient but here there is a contradiction: although the patient may seem the most important, the caregiver should first think about his own well -being.
Psychology experts claim that these caregivers can need support Because accompanying and caring for a family family member is very demanding both physically and emotionally.
«It is common for the caregiver to present anxiety in situations that exceed their abilities to care, with the sadness to see the family member in treatment, with uncertainty to not knowing what will happen and sometimes with guilt and frustrationfor feeling that you cannot give enough support or for having the need to rest. All these emotions can be difficult to manage and psychological support is sometimes necessary, ”says María Navarro Martos.
As revealed, in careful people we work on a Emotional relief and validation space while learning techniques to handle stress, emotional wear and communication. “The main objectives are to validate and understand the emotions associated with the care of the family, to promote self -care, because it is common for the caregiver to forget themselves, offering tools to manage the family care situation,” he acknowledges.
Psychological intervention can be at the individual level through advice and psychoeducation or group therapy. In the Spanish Association Against Cancer during 2024 we have served 54,731 people affected by cancer in the psychological care service, 35.71% being family (19,546).
To the question of whether it is necessary that the caregiver look first by himself, María Navarro Martos is clear: «Although it may sound contradictory, the well -being of the caregiver is equally important as the patient’s well -being. On many occasions people who are in care forget themselves, prioritizing the welfare of the loved one. In order to take care, it is necessary to take care of yourself. Self -care is ally for one’s well -being, which will help take better care of the loved one ». The expert emphasizes that “if the caregiver is exhausted physically and emotionally, her ability to accompany and sustain the patient is reduced.”
Tips for those who accompany people with cancer
While it is true that there are no magical recipes that make us succeed in a situation like this, since each of us are different, the experts of the cancer association offer some guidelines that can help in self -care to be able to accompany people With cancer:
The main thing is to accompany from empathy and remember to be kind and patient with oneself, knowing that what one knows and can. To be able to take care you need to take care of you first.
• Find time to disconnect: According to at least 15 to 30 minutes every day to do something you like. For example, to exercise, watch television, rest or what helps you relax … you can also practice breathing or simply sit for a few minutes. It can help to know what I can delegate to others, such as medical or errands, use a shift system, where specific tasks are assigned and thus be able to find spaces for oneself.
• Try looking for spaces for your personal life: According to María Navarro Martos, it is common for personal activities to be reduced, but try not to be complete looking for ways to communicate with your friends and family to ask for help.
• Respect your times and emotions: «There will be days when you want to talk and others in which you prefer to be silent. Try to be present when you need, ”he advises.
• Maintain fluid communication with your loved ones: communicate and express emotions, requests, opinions or suggestions to the environment, taking into account their own needs and those of the loved one. For example: ‘I understand that you want me to stay with you, but today I will not stay, because I have some tasks to fix, my brother will help us and be with you’.
• Try to keep the routine as much as possible: Routine can provide a sense of everyday life in the midst of the uncertainty that care involves. Try to establish regular schedules to sleep, eat and perform activities.
• Help in a concrete way: Do not say “if you need something, let me know” but “today I take you the purchase”, “tomorrow I accompany you to take a walk when you feel like” … …
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