Reader ‘s opinion The tramway is not useless on Topeliusenkatu

Erkki Myllylä and Ilkka Niiniluoto do not want a tramway to Topeliusenkatu (HS Opinion 14.10.). The project is not just about moving the city center tram lines out of the way of the Vihdintie light rail line. Topeliuksenkatu is part of an important public transport route in the western city center, which connects Kamppi, Meilahti hospitals and other destinations. Trams offer more transport capacity as well as better travel comfort and accessibility.

The same service cannot be provided via Mechelininkatu. Four lanes are needed for street traffic, and at its narrowest it is the same width as Topeliuksenkatu, so there is no space for a tramway. The street and all the municipal technology beneath it have also been recently renovated and it would not be economical to build it new.

Reetta Putkonen

Traffic and Street Planning Manager, City of Helsinki

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