Reader ‘s opinion Early childhood teachers should not emphasize the superiority of their own profession

Only years of working with children shows how well an individual is suitable for the industry.

On the opinion page there has been a debate about the glaring staff shortage in kindergartens. Professionals in the field were not surprised by the missing hands, they just didn’t want to be heard.

Advocacy for early childhood teachers suggests that only three years of university-level education serves the needs of children, although in daycare centers the majority of everyday functioning is childcare and nursing, which is well coped with by two- and a half years of vocational training. The training of community nurses also provides strong health and social care readiness, providing children with the much-needed security.

Instead of writing that emphasizes the superiority of one’s own profession, the field could respect the multidisciplinary expertise and experience of demanding nursing gained over the years.

Whether the early childhood graduate from a university or vocational school, education brings “only a formal qualification to the profession”. Only years of working with children shows how well an individual is suitable for the industry. We have also forgotten the invaluable kindergarten helpers who free up professionals in their field for their own work.

Early childhood education teachers and sociologists have struggled for decades to see if a sociologist’s education has become equally qualified as an early childhood education teacher. When this discussion has not led to the desired outcome, those who have been trained as teachers have begun to belittle nurses who have received vocational training. After all, teachers do not think they can have enough pedagogical skills, even if they run day care centers in the evenings, nights and weekends, for example.

When in 2030, two-thirds of the daycare staff have masters and PhDs in early childhood education, with much of their daily working time going to planning and computer work, one babysitter will be responsible for the entire daycare group, even if there are several challenging children in care at the same time. Does someone really have to die before decision makers understand this?

Attitude and working conditions must first be put in order, and only then can the adequacy of pay be discussed.

Sakari Partinen

father of three, grandfather of six grandchildren, Sipoo

Reader opinions are speeches written by HS readers, selected and delivered by the HS editorial board. You can leave a comment or read the principles of the writing at

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