Reader opinion It is not the job of children to protect adults

When children had to protect their grandparents? The situation should be quite the opposite: in childhood and adolescence, man is at his most mentally vulnerable. Adults must protect children in the best possible way from the extra bumps that undeniably prevent the reduction of the social circle and the pursuit of important interests. Children and young people have done a good job of protecting their parents by once again adapting to distance learning and previous hobbies.

I want to brighten the mind of the nation from whom it is taken and why. We are apparently unable to control viruses. Despair and gloom are taking over the field. Could children and young people be saved from the deepest depths by allowing them to meet each other in school and hobbies? Hobbies bring great joy and give the opportunity to realize oneself in the company of like-minded people. What is the cost of this denial? For whose benefit would the children make a sacrifice?

Vuokko Suomäki


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