Reader opinion Inadequate nutrition can be the cause of young coronary fatigue

Schoolchildren, the exhaustion of students and conscripts has rightly begun to be highlighted as a serious health problem. It should be remembered that coronary fatigue and poor condition can also be caused by malnutrition that can be treated. The coronary eats what hurts.

If necessary, the young person should be taken to the laboratory. Vitamin D, hemoglobin, ferritin, and thyroid function should be checked when fatigue is prolonged. Treating vitamin D deficiency or iron deficiency with a vitamin supplement or iron tablets is cheap and easy. Treatment results are displayed quickly.

Parents of a schoolchild should be reminded of the need for a vitamin D supplement. The Defense Forces should distribute an adequate and dense dose of vitamin D to all conscripts in the fall and winter. Invitations and medical check-ups would be excellent situations to also assess nutritional background factors when a young person is tired and in poor condition.

Hannu Vierola

doctor, Iisalmi

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