Reader opinion How are the rights of the Inari Sámi protected?

How Are the rights of the Inari Sámi, the only indigenous people in the Inari area, to be safeguarded in a possible new Sámi District Law and the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?

The Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson (r) and other decision-makers have been provided with material on how the current and also the previous Sámi Parliament treats us as Inari Sámi. Very few decision makers have expressed their support for us. On the other hand, there does not seem to be a place of reproach in the activities of the Sámi Parliament.

I would like the decision-makers to indicate how they intend to work to safeguard the rights and future of the only indigenous people in Inari.

Marjatta Soikkonen

Inari Sámi, Inari

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