Reader opinion A small country like Finland must not risk its existence by being left alone

Now, if ever, is the time to join NATO.

I felt once a man. We had an age difference of more than 70 years. Our age difference alone made me look down on him, not to mention what he was doing for all of us: he was a veteran of our wars.

We used to meet about once a month. Our meetings were equally important moments for both and there was mutual openness between us. The veteran had experienced the same horrors that people in Ukraine now have to endure. During our monthly chat sessions, the conversation often turned to a time that shaped him and his generation. He spoke of that time openly, often with tears in his eyes.

Sodan seeing the horrors, the veteran hoped nothing but that no one would have to experience the same thing again. For decades to come, however, that hope proved futile, even though, with a big heart, faith in the good was hard.

The veteran spoke of moments when Finland stood alone as one nation against our eastern neighbor, just like Ukraine now. I believe that his generation would like Ukraine to receive all the help that is available in the world. It is good that help has been provided, but much more is needed.

Home, religion and the homeland were basic values ​​for the veteran, especially the home, which served as a small farm, and the homeland. He took a strong stand on the issues of the motherland in our last discussions.

The veteran strongly believed that a small nation like Finland should no longer risk its existence as much as alone in the Winter War. His NATO position was clear. The Defense League should join and soon.

As a young and naive millennium, I considered joining the Defense Alliance futile because I have lived my whole life in a Europe where tensions between countries have been low and my faith in peace unwavering.

The news on Thursday morning (Feb. 24) seemed unbelievable and deeply shocking. At the same time, I am reminded of the stories of this deceased veteran about recent wars and his position on NATO. That day, my own negative opinion of NATO changed steadily. The worldview of the millennium accustomed to peaceful Europe has been shaken and concerns about the fate of Ukraine have increased day by day.

The attack on the westward-facing Ukraine has shown Vladimir Putin’s brutality and ruthlessness in Russia. It is also shocking how Ukraine alone has to defend itself, despite material assistance from the West.

I hope sothat Finland would start preparing for NATO accession, especially as popular support for it has increased significantly. Now if it’s ever time for it, tomorrow may be too late.

Juuso Karhu


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