The presenter of AnthillPablo Motos, asked Mariano Rajoy on Thursday if he believed that the president of the Generalitat Valencian Catarroja. The former president of the Government avoids the direct response to choose a random path of criticism of the government of Pedro Sánchez. In a tone of Bar Rajoy’s gathering came to say that the problem of Valencia was the absence of the Sánchez government. And he put examples, he set an example to himself. “I lived something much less dramatic than Valencia, the Prestige. (…) I spent a month there. ” The expolitic argument was corolored with the following reflection: “In Valencia I miss the State and the Government of Spain.”
Far from causing a boo, Rajoy’s words were awarded with a sound applause from the public that followed the development of the program. There was not a single qualification about the powers that, in the matter of maritime rescue, are exclusive to the State and that in the case of the DANA are from the Autonomous Community, since at no time the National Emergency Declaration was requested. By putting the management of Prestige As an example, Rajoy forgot to say that it was the Aznar government, with Rajoy of Vice President, who decided to remove the oil from the coast first, try to take him to French waters later and, finally, order him south to see if the Portuguese were not attentive And they ate the problem. Portugal waited for the ship with a frigate, a clear message that ended up causing the nth change of course until the ship did not give more of itself and broke 140 miles from the coast, generating a black tide throughout the Galician coast and that reached until The beaches of Portugal and France. The defense minister of that time, Federico Trillo, also contributed his grain of sand in the management of that crisis and proposed to bomb the ship with combat planes. That idea was not finally carried out.
But what Rajoy wanted to sell in El Hormiguero It is the idea that he was in Galicia after the catastrophe and imply that the central government is not in the reconstruction of Valencia. There were no motorcycles, just applause after the Perorata. Neither a single reference to those four weeks that he spent in Galicia, nor to his phrase, turned into part of the story, which spoke of “plasticine threads”, as if the black tide that has already been sinned and the community has already been left over. journalistic or a parliamentary opposition construct. Nor did Rajoy said to motorcycles of the political crisis that broke his party in two, when the leaders of the Galician PP criticized the management of Madrid and threw their hands in their heads when the ministers spoke of “splendorous beaches.” He did not even explain the former president that Aznar decided to replace him in Galicia after his fiascos and a commissioner was invented, in front of which he placed the former Francoist minister, Rodolfo Martín Villa, who dedicated more efforts to controlling media than executing the Galicia Plan, a set of investments that was sold in response to the catastrophe.
The question about an eventual resignation of Mazón was unanswered in the program and, after the ovation of the public, the fun continued in the Atresmedia program. As a great reflection on Rajoy competitions, the following argument slid: “The State is for fat things.”
#Rajoy #puts #prestige #management #Hormiguero #follow #defends #Mazón #spent #month