Giuseppe Conte and Giorgia Meloni. Photo Lapresse
Rai Appointments, Conte to Meloni’s Rescue. But He Wants Something in Return…
Georgia Melons wants to solve the issue of the new governance of the Raibut the government majority is divided and an agreement cannot be reached. The issue is the presidency. That seat belongs to the Forza Italia members, and the Azzurri have indicated Simona Agnes (substantially welcomed by all parties), but it is an appointment that requires a qualified majority in commission of Rai Surveillance and on this majority, more difficult to achieve, the negotiation for the other seats hinges. The center-right is in fact missing 3 votes. Gaspari – reports La Stampa – rejects the attempt made once again by the allies to elect the 4 councilors in Parliament first and then to see what happens to the president in Rai Supervision: “It’s a solution that we look at with skepticism“. Meloni has instructed her people to speed up and now the Prime Minister is showing irritation with her allies over this stalemate.
But help, surprisingly, could arrive from the opposition. The leader of the M5S Giuseppe Countspeaking yesterday at the Fatto festival, made a point: “It is up to the centre-right to indicate the presidency of Rai. If we consider the proposal to be up to par, we will vote for it.“. But he raises the stakes: “We have never been anyone’s useful idiots – he warns. And no one should expect our votes”. As if to say that the negotiation can be openedbut the majority – explains a Five Star source – will have to “grant something more than a deputy director, as it has already tried to do previously”. These are not the only approaches. Brothers of Italy had also tried with Italy alivebut the Renzians now want to return to the centre-left area and they refuse. Indeed, they point the finger at the Five Stars (who would like to keep them out of the wide field): “We see that once again Conte sends messages to the majority on Rai and offers himself to Meloni”, attacks Maria Elena Woods.
#Rai #Appointments #Strange #FdIM5s #Alliance #Unravel #Skein #Divided #Majority #Meloni #Left