Public transport|Stations still have exceptional arrangements.
I’m sorry and Myllypuro metro stations will be opened to passengers next Monday, says Kaupunkiliikenne in its announcement.
Despite the opening, only one track is in use at Kontula station until the beginning of September. So the metro arrives and departs from the same track.
The construction work on the lower roof of the station platform and the walls of the subway track is still in progress. The station has temporary signs, lighting and a protective wall.
Construction work will continue at Kontula station until 2025. During that time, the escalators and elevators will be renewed and the station’s western entrance will be completely rebuilt.
Metro The route of the replacement bus line 99M between Itäkeskus and Mellunmäki will change. From Monday, the bus will only operate between Kontula and Mellunmäki. The bus leaves from Kontulatie stops in Kontula and Mellunmäki from platform 15 of the bus terminal.
Kontula will serve as the terminus of the Mellunmäki metro branch until September 8, when the Mellunmäki station will be opened.
Summer During this time, several renovations requiring traffic interruptions have been carried out along the metro line. There have been outages at Rautatientori metro station and the branch ending at Mellunmäki.
The purpose of the metro renovation was to improve the fire safety of the Rautatientori metro station and to repair the metro bridges located between Kontula and Mellunmäki and the platform area of the Kontula metro station. In addition, the gears on the track between Itäkeskus and Mellunmäki have been renewed.
Rautatintor metro station will be opened on September 2.
#Public #transport #Metro #stations #opened #passengers #week