The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has been willing to a script turn in the controversial taxation of workers who charge the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) so that they do not pay the income tax. PSOE and add negotiate in … The bosom of the coalition government «some kind of measure that allows to compensate To those few workers who had to pay for the minimum wage, ”said the first vice president. Of course, the measure would only affect this group, so it would be about applying any tax compensation so that the tax invoice Do not benefit more workers with low income, indirectly.
It is a change of position after several weeks clinging to the refusal that the perceptors of this minimum salary continue to benefit from the exemption in their taxation. Montero alleged that It was important that the SMI had risen 60% in six years, and that it was time to pay the personal income tax. However, the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, had been contrary to the fact that from now on this collective, which encompasses more than two million workers, taxed by their salary after climbing it 4.4% up to 1,180 euros per month.
The friction between the two ministers became evident since the same day in which the Council of Ministers approved the SMI rise for this year: 4.4% more -the highest strip than recommended by work experts -, what which meant 50 euros more a month. The problem is that while Díaz offered the press conference in La Moncloa, the Treasury leaked that this year was not going to update the minimum amount exempt from taxation, as had happened other years when raising the minimum wage. That is, the 50 euros gross would stay in about 28 euros more when applying the IRPF, especially for single and children taxpayers.
Since then, Díaz has insisted that this threshold must be raised while Montero has refused to do so. The struggle reached such a level that the Parliamentary group of adding activated a law proposition so that the workers who charge the SMI did not have to pay the IRPF. So did PP and Podemos, although with different versions of that regulation. The deadline for the Government to reject them ended this week, being able to claim that this measure is an extraordinary expense for the Treasury and carrying the confrontation to the Congress table, which could veto that interpretation of the Executive if to add, partner of the PSOE, and PP, united their forces in that organ.
If these proposals moved to five million Spaniards, their taxation in the IRPF would reduce, according to calculations from the Ministry of Labor. Would be 2.5 million perceptors of the minimum wageto those who would join another 2.5 million whose salary is between the SMI and the 21,000 euros per year, for the indirect effect that this measure would entail. Beyond the arguments about the need not less than 2% in real terms, Hacienda has heavy economic reasons not to compromise in this matter.
Income up to 21,000 euros
To start it would stay Without the 300 euros per year of retentions that they have already begun to apply to the minimum wage perceptors in the payrolls of February, for having already exceeded the previous threshold that exempts any retention from the SMI.
But it is also that, as the proposal to add, the invoice associated with the reduction due to work returns would increase substantially. Today that reduction applies to taxpayers with net yields of work below 19,747.5 euros, The proposal of the PSOE partner in the Government is not limited to increasing the amount of the reduction to fit the SMI’s increase in the IRPF structure but intends to raise that threshold to 21,576 euros, which according to official estate statistics would extend the radius of action of the same to around one million more taxpayers.
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