The Superior Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJIB) has inadmitted the appeal of the Balearic Cultural Work (OCB) against the Voluntary pilot plan of free choice of language of the Balearic government of Marga Prohens that allows from this course to study two subjects in Spanish … in 4th grade.
The OCB, an entity that in 2017 He gave an award to the ‘Jordis’ For opening Catalan “to all social struggles,” he filed a contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Balearic Islands (TSJB) last May against this Pilot Plan of Language Free Election asking to be suspended in a precautionary way and this course does not apply.
The main sovereign entity of the islands claimed that the plan was “harmful, illegal and not equitable.” The Autonomous Community, meanwhile, presented allegations appealing to the lack of legitimation of the entity.
Now the contentious room He has declared inadmissible The OCB resource due to lack of active legitimation, after estimating the allegations of the administration of the Autonomous Community.
The magistrates point out in the car, collected by Europa Press, that the purpose and voluntary nature of the Language Free Election Plan “do not affect the objectives pursued” by the entity. In this way, they consider that the OCB lacks legitimation to challenge the plan.
The magistrates reason that the Language Free Election Plan “exclusively affects the educational centers that want or can benefit from the program, so the legitimate interests of the claimant association are not affected.”
The OCB considered that the pilot plan “violates” the minimum decree because it affects the matters that have to be Impart in Catalan Under these regulations. The magistrates respond that it is not a normative change, but is voluntary for the centers that want to adhere.
The contentious room also inadmitted another platform resource per La Flengua against the same resolution.
Prohens’s language choice plan, which adhered 11 concerted Balearic Islands this course, is voluntary for the centers and forces to give a minimum of 50% of hours in Catalan, as established by the minimum decree.
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