The municipalities of Rivas Vaciamadrid, Alcorcón and Parla, all of them governed by progressive formations, are covering the needs of professional training students (FP) of public centers of the Community of Madrid that do not find companies or organizations where to finish their training. These practices are essential for students to conclude their studies and obtain their degree.
The deputy of Más Madrid Beatriz Borrás charged in the last plenary of the Madrid Assembly against the Autonomous Government for “not having done her job.” “In 2022 the Ministry of Education approved a law that extended the hours of practices in FP from 2025. They were given three years to organize, legislate and ensure that each student had their practical training insured. In 2023 we warned you that they were not moving a finger, ”replied the spokeswoman on educational issues of the Manuela Bergerot team.
The opposition parties coincided in this complaint. Vox Deputy Mariano Calabuig said in the Plenary that “it seems that they are missing” practices and “not all students have a place.” Along the same lines, the socialist Emilia Sánchez Prieto was positioned, ensuring that “they need twice as much training places in companies”, to which the ‘popular’ Pablo Posse replied that her government cannot “force companies to welcome students in practices ”.
The situation was already repeated last year in the region, when hundreds of public education students saw themselves without a place in a company or in an organization in which to complete their training, displaced by their private partners, as counted. Those affected by these management problems assured that private centers were paying up to 500 euros for the squares, a disbursement against which public centers could not compete.
The spokeswoman of Más Madrid recriminated this Thursday in the regional chamber of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, that “thousands” of FP students “do not find where to do the practices” and that “50,000” students “were left without a place at the beginning at the beginning of the course ”school. However, from the press cabinet of the Ministry of Education, they denied this last data. “It is absolutely false,” official sources of the Cabinet of the Minister Emilio Viciana indicate, who add that in “this 2024/25 course there have been vacancies about 5,000 public places of FP in all grades and cycles, including some of the most demanded ”
For Diego Segovia, General Director of Education of the City of Alcorcón and member of Más Madrid, the “problem lies in the fact that there has been a lack of planning and organization of the Community of Madrid.” Their statement is supported by expert sources consulted by this writing in this field, which prefer not to be identified, and that do not have a political affiliation. These interviewees also highlight other factors, such as the growth and demand of the FP, as well as a change of law that this year forces the first -year students to also do practices.
Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council – governd United Left, mm, Greens Equ and PSOE– Calculate that they annually host 150 FP students of medium and superior grade of public centers, who reside in the municipality, to do practices in the Consistory, according to the Councilor for Education, Charo Sandoval Morales. There the students are doing practices in sports, criminological matters or with the municipal civil protection teams among other specialties.
“We have made this decision because we cannot consent that the students of the public are discriminated against private .
For his part, Segovia explains that in the City of Alcorcón –PSOE, win Alcorcón and more Madrid– They have been assuming this service for only a couple of years. They choose mainly to students of degrees of administration, gardening, sport, computer science, communication and education. “We try to cover all the space,” he says, although they find areas with which they cannot count. “We have no competition in medicine,” he explains.
Some municipalities have been overwhelmed. This has happened in Parla, governed by PSOE and more Madrid, where the Councilor for Education, Isabel Dávila, says that it is difficult to deal with all the requests they receive, since they not only contacted neighbors from their municipality, they also receive calls from residents in nearby cities. “We have seen that this has gone more and more,” he explains, about the number of applications they have received in recent months.
#Progressive #municipalities #Madrid #offer #practices #face #lack #forecast #Ayuso #government