The crowning throne cannot inherit a woman. Under that salica law, in force since the end of World War II And for which a multitude of requirements were formulated in the early millennium in order to continue – the account of structural machismo in Japanese society – the imperial family of Japan spent many years in a tremendous brete: the current emperor, Naruhito, had only had a daughter, Princess Aiko, with his wife, Masako; While the next in the succession line, Fumihito, brother of Naruhito, had only had two daughters, the princesses Mako and Kako.
Such was the situation, that in 2004 an expert advice was configured in the Law of the Imperial House to discuss the future succession, although their solutions passed before because the men of the Imperial Family could adopt male children who had real blood of some branch, although distant, of their family tree Before allowing a woman (return to, since they were in the past) to be Empress from Japan.
But then in 2006 Prince Hisahito, son of Fumihito and his wife, Princess Kiko came to the world, becoming the second in the line of succession to the throne. Hisahito has faced his entire life to an exacerbated amount of rumors, almost all focused on the same idea: at birth twelve years after his immediately superior sister and without photographs of his pregnant mother, He has repeatedly speculated the idea that the prince is not a natural son of his parentseither born by in vitro fertilization, by adoption or for rent.
Be that as it may, the young man met the age of majority last September, being the first male member of the Imperial Family to do so since his father blows 18 candles in November 1985, and Now the opinion of the Japanese people must begin to win, That according to a recent survey, it would be, with almost 90% of the votes in favor, to eliminate the Salic Law. “Stabilizing the number of members of the Imperial Family is a particularly urgent issue,” the conservative prime minister Shigeru ishiba has come to say, despite the disagreements of his party with the UN after a report of his committee for the elimination of discrimination against women.
Hence, the first solo press conference of Hisahito has been very followed, Which has taken place in Akasaka, the state’s house of guests, which is located in Tokyo – and that is one of the two residences of the Japanese government. In it, in addition, he has not hesitated to clear doubts about his role in the family organization chart as heir, as he has given some brushstrokes about what are the plans he has in mind for his near future.
As they have announced from the medium Kyodo News, in statements collected by Vanity Fairhe Royal Japanese has affirmed that of vital “importance” that the imperial family “pays attention to the lives of the people and the state of society” in which it governs. “As a young member of the Imperial Family, I have the firm decision to play my role”Hisahito added, something even more indispensable considering that every time a woman from the dynasty marries a plebeian loses her real status
He also had no qualms about speaking, despite his young age and being his first interaction alone with the press, his love life, pointing out that he does not have at the time intention to marry – they are that no relationship is known. “I have not yet thought about either at the moment or or the ideal couple to do it,” The Prince has stressed.
Yes indeed, In the networks there is a current that has long bounds to a local star, actress and singer Mana Ashida, Without any proof beyond the fact that the Imperial Family asked him to read at the Naruhito Coronation Ceremony in 2019, so some understand that with it they “chose it” to be the promised of the young prince and thus, neither more nor less, than “genetically improve” the beauty and intelligence of the heirs, given that they are two of the characteristic features of Ashida.
It is not the first controversy of the Prince. Although, in a gesture to bring royalty to the people, Hisahito has studied in a diurnal public school – at the same time in Gakushuin, the traditional school of the Japanese aristocracy -, in 2022 he was subjected to scrutiny by the press, although more the international than the premises, after the discovered was discovered A plagiarism in a letter he made with 15 years about his visit to the Ogasawara Islands – a very remote almost unknown and unknown archipelago, labeled with natural paradise, to southern Japan – and that had been in second place in a literary contest.
The text contained phrases copied from a tourist guide and there were media that called “copy and paste” the work of the prince. Although the Japanese media preferred to overlook the subject, a spokesman for the imperial family said that Hisahito would correct his mistake by adding the corresponding bibliography. On the other hand, it was somewhat logical to opt for a natural paradise, Given the passion for nature in his family.
If his grandfather, Emperor Emeritus Akihito, was an expert in ichthology, the study of fish, and his father in poultry farming, the prince has opted for entomology. In fact, in the aforementioned press conference he has talked about how Next April will begin to pursue the Biology career at the University of Tsukuba. “I have been fascinated for insects for a long time, especially the dragonflies, and I hope to study them thoroughly. I want to devote myself to my studies, without stopping to participate in extracurricular activities,” he said who will sit in the future on the throne of the chrysanthemum.
#Prince #Hisahito #offers #press #conference #heir #Japanese #throne