In recent weeks, the National Police has dismantled three drug sales points in Parla and Cañada Real Galiana. One of them, the one located in the town in the south of the region, was run by members of the Latin gang of the Ñetas. In addition to narcotic substances, money, supplies for preparing doses, knives and firearms, and various ammunition have been seized. As a result of these operations, 14 people have been arrested.
The investigations began at the end of October after complaints from neighborhood associations. After various inquiries, on October 29, the first of these homes was entered and searched. The agents surprised the residents throwing the drugs down the toilet. They immediately performed the necessary tests to determine that the substance thrown was cocaine.
They also seized drugs hidden in different glass jars – some containing soluble coffee – as well as inside the canapés. They found 1,000 grams of marijuana, money divided into low-value bills and two electric guns. Three people were arrested as allegedly responsible for a crime against public health and another for illegal possession of weapons.
In the other drug apartment in Parla, investigations began in November. It was last Tuesday when they managed to enter and search the place, where they detained five people, all of them proven members of the Ñetas Latin gang. Those arrested led this illegal trade, which was attended by both adults and minors. The agents seized 64 doses of marijuana, more than 120 cigarettes of the same substance, 43 doses of hashish, money and a large machete. For all this, they were placed at the disposal of the judicial authority as presumed responsible for a crime against public health.
Just 24 hours later, the National Police managed to dismantle another point of sale, this time in Cañada Real. It was a prefabricated house that functioned as a space for both the sale and consumption of drugs “during the day and night, 365 days a year.” In this drug house they sold through a small window reinforced with bars and had numerous security measures to avoid any police action, several armored doors and other false doors that were boarded up so they could have time to get rid of everything that related to them. drug trafficking if the police arrived.
The organization functioned with a pyramidal structure with a clear distribution of tasks. Outside the plot were the water carriers in charge of alerting of the police presence; At the door of the property was the person in charge of security, who decided whether or not to allow consumers and buyers to enter. Once inside, it was the owner of the business who was in charge of the sale, facilitating access to the smoking room where customers could consume.
When they detected the presence of the agents, they filled a drum with caustic soda and quickly threw away all the drugs and other effects so as not to leave a trace. This led to the troops having to help a minor due to a chemical reaction.
The search resulted in the seizure of drugs – cocaine and heroin -, money, two scales and firearms with various ammunition. This operation resulted in six people being arrested – two minors – for crimes against public health, membership in a criminal organization and illicit possession of weapons.
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