Experience says that getting the issue of politics on the first date is risky. Not a few singles excited with their suitors have ended and either of ‘First Dates’ compounds and without a partner because of ideological incompatibility. Judith (47) and R loved N (48) had not even noticed chemistry among them when it occurred to him to mention that he was affiliated with a party. At that time, the evening took a totally unexpected turn. And not only for spectators, but also for Judith herself. The single, Barcelona computer schedule, arrived at the Four Quotation restaurant the evening on Friday, January 24, willing to “live love in all its expression.” During his presentation, he told Carlos Sobera that he has had a very bad time in life, but he found meaning thanks to mathematics. «At 35 I realized that what happened to me is that I had a depression. And I started being interested in Buddhism, and now my spirituality throws towards Christianity, ”he developed. Related news standards not a single one gives a scare of death to his appointment during dinner: «Quiet, it is nothing sexual» Mari Carmen José Manuel never imagined what was going to happen during the evening in the four -year program in the plan earthly, he was looking for a “very male and self -confident man.” A description that, according to her, did not fit the first impression that Ramón caused. He, on the other hand, his loved. “He is very pretty, he has very beautiful eyes,” he said. Once sitting at the table, they broke the ice chatting on their respective professions. Or rather, Ramón did it, because Judith was lazy to lazy too much in explanations. Unlike her, the single revealed that she is dedicated to music. And not only that, he also specified that he was a specialist in Sardanas, an information that left his pretending totally hallucinated. «It is the first time I hear someone touches the sardanas. It is considered the popular music of Catalonia and I think it is the least popular in Catalonia, ”she threw. Ramón confesses the party to which he is affiliated with the middle of the dinner everything seemed to indicate that they were like water and oil. Until Ramón raised a much less prosaic theme. «I am very shy, I consider myself a very shy person, but when I take confidence I have no problem taking any subject. Don’t get me football, I don’t like football, ”I started saying the single before deepening. He then confessed that “I am affiliated with a political party, but … I will not say it.” To the second he changed his mind. “Ok, I’m going to tell you, it’s from … it’s citizens,” he revealed Dubitative. «But then I understand that you are right. Me too. I’ve always been left, but I turned, ”Judith agreed. The moment of the final decision of the appointment between Ramón and Judith Cuatrocontra all prognosis, politics this time changed the course of the appointment, but for good. «The fact that we are both rightful is curious, because talking about politics depends on what places, it is like a kind of taboo. Coincide with a person in which you can talk about politics, to the level where I know and of the same color, because it also gives you that peace of mind to be able to express yourself and be you, ”said the single, delighted. He resulted, in addition, that they agreed At another important point: religion. After finding out that both were right, he asked if he believed in God. “I believe. What did not call him God, I called him universe, ”he explained, leaving her astonished. The same thing had happened to her. Moreover, both practiced faith in the same way. “I pray at night and read the Bible, but I do not go to church,” Ramón said. Everyone the disinterest that Judith experienced by Ramón at the beginning of the evening had become illusion. «Finding someone like that is very difficult, and that is not attached to any church, even more difficult. It is what I liked the most. It has been a surprise, ”he said, anticipating the final decision. They didn’t want to escape.
#Politics #impossible #Dates #appointment