Police | In the raids, almost a third of the drunk drivers were suspected of using drugs

Over the course of three weekends, the police stopped more than 50,000 motorists. Almost a third of the suspected traffic drunkenness involved the use of drugs.

Little Christmas season the proportion of drug cases in blow raids increased from last year. This year, almost a third of suspected traffic drunkenness related to the use of drugs, while last year the share of drug cases was about a quarter.

Police Inspector of the Police Board Tuomo Katajisto considers the increase in the proportion of people driving under the influence of drugs to be worrying.

The police intensified their surveillance of drunken driving on three weekends during the Christmas rush and the following mornings. The weekends were between mid-November and the beginning of Christmas.

Police blew over 50,000 motorists across the country, many times more than in previous years. In the previous two years, the coronavirus pandemic reduced blowing tests.

During the raids, 284 people suspected of drunk driving were arrested. There were almost two hundred suspects based on the use of alcohol, almost half of whom were suspected of aggravated drunk driving.

Based on the breathalyzer tests, there were clearly fewer cases of alcohol this year than last year. An average of 272 breathalyzer tests were now performed per person suspected of using alcohol, compared to 118 the previous year.

Almost 90 people suspected of using narcotics were found, six of whom were suspected of aggravated drunk driving.

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