Podemos, EH Bildu and the BNG ask the Government to return the social shield to Congress

The left-wing partners of the investiture bloc do not want the Government to waste time in reactivating the measures that declined this Wednesday in Congress. The first messages from the ministers after the votes pointed to the responsibility of the PP and Junts but did not anticipate any measures with immediate effect. In the last few hours, both Podemos and EH Bildu or the Galician Nationalist Bloc have demanded that the Executive move to recover the social shield that included, among other issues, the revaluation of pensions or the extension for six months of aid for public transport.

Yesterday’s votes in plenary represented a tough defeat for the Government but will have an immediate effect on society. The decree contemplated, for example, the increase in pensions to the CPI, which as of February will be canceled if the Government does not take measures before. The decision affects about 12 million people: the text increased normal pensions by 2.8%, 6% for minimum pensions and 9% for non-contributory pensions and the minimum vital income. But the package also included the prohibition of cutting off electricity, water and gas, as well as evictions for vulnerable families or a social electricity bonus to lower the bill.

The Government’s partners already showed their anger during the Plenary Session. Esquerra Republicana charged harshly against Junts, understanding that overturning a decree like this only has the objective of harming the Government. “It is not the Government that is harmed, but the people. And society should not pay for the irresponsibility and partisan calculations of the right-wing forces,” sources from EH Bildu report at the same time.

Podemos, however, has reproached the Government for its lack of capacity to negotiate with its partners and move forward with the entire package. And for this reason, this Thursday they have demanded that this package return to the Council of Ministers as it came out a few weeks ago and not give in to the “blackmail” of the right-wing parties, who “want to criminalize the most vulnerable people in our society.” , which are those who are at risk of eviction.”

Ione Belarra’s party believes that the Executive must act quickly and take advantage of the next meeting of ministers to approve the measures, especially concerned about measures such as protection against vulnerable evictions. And that is why he has already transferred his request directly to the PSOE. “You have tens of thousands of people who can reactivate an eviction,” say party sources who believe that a delay of even a few days can already have terrible consequences.

The formation also does not welcome the solution that both Junts and the PP have proposed of approving a decree that exclusively contains the measures for which there is already agreement. If they cut the package into pieces, the party understands, they will end up failing measures that are important. “It would not be understood that a Government that calls itself progressive would drop the social shield that protects the most vulnerable people and transport aid that has proven effective,” they understand.

A reasoning similar to that conveyed this Thursday by EH Bildu, which accuses Carles Puigdemont and Alberto Núñez Feijóo of using similar arguments to justify their vote against in yesterday’s plenary session. The pro-independence party sees it as striking that a day later both have launched the same proposal to the Government to bring to Congress a decree with the measures that have their support.

“What issues have been introduced that are not social and economic protection measures? Which ones do they reject exactly? Neither party has explained it. Citizens should not be confused with excuses that are far from reality to try to justify their vote against; They must assume their responsibility for the political position adopted,” lament sources from the Basque party.

And that is why they insist, like Podemos, that the Government must bring the measures that declined to the Council of Ministers so that they are approved “as soon as possible.” “Not only the increase in pensions and the reductions in public transport as intended by the right-wing parties that yesterday overturned the decree, but also all the measures contained in the social shield: the extension of the electric social bonus, the prohibition of supply cuts basics and evictions for vulnerable families…”, they review.

The BNG also sent a statement this Thursday in which it asked the Government to try to approve the measures that have declined, although it has focused its requests on the increase in pensions and discounts for rail transport, which, party sources recall, These are issues that appear in the investiture agreement that they signed with the PSOE.

“After PP, VOX and Junts rejected the validation of the Royal Decree-Law by which urgent measures are adopted in economic, tax, transport, and Social Security matters, and certain measures are extended to address situations of vulnerability social, Néstor Rego demands that the Government act to recover them,” say sources from the party, who ask for “a new Royal Decree-Law that guarantees the continuity of the bonuses and the increase in pensions.”

#Podemos #Bildu #BNG #Government #return #social #shield #Congress

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