PODCAST | Elon Musk, story of the man without limits

The richest businessman in the world, who manufactures driverless cars, implants chips in human brains and takes tourists to outer space, has just been commissioned by Donald Trump to design what the government of the future should be like. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and other technology-based companies, will be in charge of an office that advises the next president of the United States to make his public administration more efficient. In a few months we will have the most eccentric businessman whispering in the ear of the most reckless president. What can go wrong?

With elDiario.es journalist Carlos del Castillo, specialized in the intersection between politics and technology, we review some of the key moments in Elon Musk’s career that give us an idea of ​​the type of character who will sit at the top of the world political power.


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#PODCAST #Elon #Musk #story #man #limits

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