According to the newspaper The Sun, the renowned British actor Kevin McNallywho played the character of “Joshamee Gibbs” in the acclaimed film saga “Pirates of the Caribbean”was arrested in Los Angeles, California for alleged domestic violence. His arrest occurred before attending “Gallfrey One,” an annual North American science fiction convention that focuses primarily on the British television series “Doctor Who,” based at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott hotel.
The Los Angeles Police Department revealed that Kevin McNally67 years old, was detained on accusations of causing injury or distress to a victim identified as your current or former spouse, cohabitant, or parent of your child. At the moment, further details of the arrest of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor are unknown.
Likewise, it was announced that Kevin McNally from “Pirates of the Caribbean” paid $50,000 bail to be releasedhowever, Next March he must appear before a court in Los Angeles, California. The actor is married to British actress Phyllis Logan, winner of the Bafta Award; Police declined to provide details about his alleged victim, citing confidentiality rules.
“Yesterday, at her family home in Chiswick, west London, Phyllis Logan denied knowledge of her arrest. Kevin McNally appeared on 'Downton Abbey' with Scottish-born Phyllis, who played housekeeper Mrs. Hughes,” posted The Sun.
The news site BNN Breaking posted the following about the actor's arrest, “this incident marks a tumultuous chapter for Kevin McNally, who is not only a respected figure for his film contributions, but also defended his co-star Johnny Depp during the latter's high-profile legal battle with Amber Heard in 2021 (the actress accused him of domestic violence)”.
It is worth remembering that Kevin McNally He participated in five films in the saga: “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Chest”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: Sailing On Stranger Tides” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge.”
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