Blanca Castilla de Cortázar, philosopher and theologianHe was born in Vitoria on July 25, 1951 and died on Tuesday, March 11 in Madrid, at 73. For its intellectual and human size, its deeply Christian, Catholic sense, which is like saying of love and service, deserves gratitude and memory. Figure wise, close and always willing to offer the best of itself.
Professor Blanca Castilla was a PhD in Philosophy with the thesis notion of a person in Xavier Zubiri. An approach to gender, directed by Professor Dr. D. Alfonso López Quintás. He also obtained the doctorate in theology with the thesis entitled ‘Passio Christi Ex Carirate’, directed by Professor Dr. D. Lucas F. Mateo Seco.
Numerary of Opus Dei and one of the most important Catholic intellectuals of Spanish speech. Undoubtedly, Blanca Castilla’s philosopher and theologian Gender theory and the feminism. Understanding the notion of difference (essential in philosophy from Tomás de Aquinas, Heidegger or Polo) and co -identity. In this research they are currently meeting, for their initiative, theologians, philosophers, psychologists, biologists, doctors, sociologists, jurists, educators, etc.
In addition to being a professor of Anthropology at the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II of Madrid, she has been an active professor of anthropology at the Villanueva University Center and at the International University of La Rioja; He has also taught at the European School of Education, at the Valencian Institute of Fertility, Sexuality and Family Relations (VATAF) and at the Getafe Theology Center. During his academic career, Blanca Castilla has collaborated with universities around the world: Literary University of Valencia, San Pablo Ceu University of Madrid, University of Navarra, Ibero -American University of Mexico or the ATENEO Regina Apostolorum in Rome. She has also been a visiting professor at the Universities of La Sabana (Colombia), Los Andes (Chile) and Piura (Peru), in whose Institute of Family Sciences has been a senior consultant. In addition, he has been a member of the Tomás de Aquinas International Society (located) and the Spanish Mariological Society. It was ‘Honorary Research Fellow’ at the University of Glasglow. In 1997, he entered the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, of which he was general secretary between 2001 and 2005.
He has studied authors such as Gabriel Marcel, Tomás de Aquino, Xavier Zubiri, Ludwig Feuerbach but without a doubt his main source of inspiration and study due to San John Paul II (Karol Wojtyła) and Leonardo Polo.
With its opening to the new and its tireless study of the sources, of the wide and extensive philosophical and theological tradition, it always sought to serve, contribute light and facilitate dialogue. Those of us who knew and admire her, hope to honor her memory by persisting in dialogue, research and opening to the mystery of the person.
Consuelo Martínez Priego is a doctor in Philosophy and Psychology and Professor of the Villanueva University
#Philosopher #theologian #gender #theory