Social Security has assumed in March the payment of 13,492 million euros in pensions, which is a new record on the payroll that pays monthly By increasing 6.3% With respect to the same period last year, according to … Data from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
This March payroll incorporates the revaluation of pensions approved for this year, of 2.8% with a general character, and between 6% and 9% for minimum pensions, after the congress definitely validates this measure after the transpix of the fall of the Omnibus decree in January. Besides, The incorporation of the generation of ‘Baby Boom’ (Those born between the late 50s and the beginning of the 70s) with high contribution races, continues to stress the system accounts.
These are the latest statistics that will be officially published before the Independent Fiscal Responsibility Authority (Airef) puts on the table its evaluation on the viability of the pension system. It will be next Monday 31 when the agency shows its conclusions on the impact of the latest pension reforms, which promoted former Social Security Minister José Luis Escrivá, from 2021 to 2023 with contributions, revaluation according to the average CPI and new reducing coefficients for early retirement, among other measures.
Three quarters of the March Tax Pensions corresponded to pensions of retirementwith a global amount of 9,870.4 million euros, a 6.3% more than in March 2024. The payment of widowhood pensions were allocated this month 2,191.2 million euros, while 1,217.2 million were dedicated to the payroll for permanent disability; A 177.7 million euros were allocated to the orphanhood and that of benefits in favor of relatives, 35.9 million.
In total, Social Security paid 10,313,634 pensions, 1.7% more than in the same month of 2024, more than 9.3 million people, 1.6% more than in March last year. Of the total pensioners, 4.7 million are men and 4.6 million, women.
The average pension of the Social Security System, which includes the amount of the different kinds of pension (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood and favor of family members) reached 1,308.2 euros per month in March, 4.5% more that in the same month of the previous year. But in the case of the average retirement pension, which is the most numerous, confirms its ascending trend above 1,500 euros until it is at 1,502 euros4.4% more than last year.
By regimes, the amount of the average retirement pension from the general regime reached 1,662.3 euros per month, while in the Special Workers Regime (RETA) it stood at 1,007.1 euros. In coal mining, the amount of the average pension was 2,896.5 euros, and 1,660.6 euros in the sea regime.
On the other hand, the monthly amount of the new retirement highs in the system ascended in February (last data available) at 1,761.5 euros on average. The growth of the amount of pensions that are incorporated into the system is being increasingly vertiginous. After several years in which new benefits suffered a decrease as the effect of the reforms adopted since 2011, in recent years, and especially in recent months, that amount has not stopped growing.
Retirement age
According to Social Security, in the first months of the year (last data available), they were recorded 69,616 new highs in retirement pensions, of which 11.3% were delayed retirements, more than double than in 2019 (4.8%). The ministry emphasizes that this evolution is a consequence of Delay incentives launched in 2022 and early retirement reform.
As a result of the voluntary delay of the moment of retirement and the lower advance, the average age of access to retirement It is 65 years oldcompared to 64.4 years in 2019.
#Pension #spending #reaches #record #million #waiting #Airef #examination