At the moment, according to official data from the Mexican federal government, there are more than 12 million elderly people who receive, every two months, 6 thousand pesos on their Bienestar cards for Pension for the Welfare of the Elderly.
Under this understanding, there are many elderly people who wonder When will the Ministry of Welfare resume the delivery of Banco del Bienestar cards for those who are new beneficiaries? of the federal social program.
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In this sense, first of all we must remember that, due to the electoral campaigns of the federal elections next Sunday, June 2, 2024, the federal government has had to suspend the delivery of all social programs, among which are those of the Ministry of Welfare.
In this way, in addition to the suspension of payments for the social programs of the Ministry of Welfare, such as the Pension for the Welfare of the Elderly, membership and the delivery of membership cards have also been suspended. Banco del Bienestar to new beneficiaries.
It is in this way that, according to the guidelines of the electoral procedures, It will not be until after Sunday, June 2, when the delivery of Banco del Bienestar cards resumes, as well as the new membership calls..
It should be noted, at this point, that the Welfare Secretariat, through its official social media accounts, is responsible for notifying the population about the new dates for calls and card deliveries, as well as the payment dates.
Requirements for the Welfare Pension
It is in this way that, while the date arrives when the delivery of the Banco del Bienestar cards resumes, we leave you the requirements and criteria to be a beneficiary of the Pension for the Well-being of the Elderly:
*Be 65 years of age or older within the two-month period of incorporation.
*Be Mexican by birth or naturalization with current domicile in the Mexican Republic.
*Birth certificate.
*Current identification document: voting or INAPAM credential, passport or other documents issued by the corresponding authority that prove identity).
*Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).
*Proof of address (maximum 6 months old) or proof of residence from the local authority.
*Single Welfare Form duly completed.
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