Pedro Sánchez’s brother, David Sánchez, has joined the appeal presented by the Prosecutor’s Office to demand that the judge specify the evidence for which he is being investigated in the investigative court number 3 of Badajoz after a complaint filed by the Manos pseudo-union. Clean for your hiring in the Badajoz Provincial Council.
Sánchez, director of the Performing Arts Office at the Badajoz institution, will have to testify as under investigation on January 9. The president of the Provincial Council and regional secretary of the PSOE, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, will also do so that day. The judge issued this resolution, in which she called seven other people to testify, on November 27 and the Public Ministry appealed it and asked the judge to specify the “specific facts” for which she has charged them because, in her opinion, trial, the instructor limits herself to making a “non-detailed referral” to the Civil Guard report on the case and, at her discretion, must repeat the case but specifying what facts and crimes she attributes to each investigator.
Now, David Sánchez’s lawyer, Emilio Cortés, has presented the brief in court this Tuesday “expressly and fully adhering” to the Prosecutor’s appeal to know the specific facts about what the brother of the President of the Government. In that document, the defense maintains that the signs of criminality in relation to Sánchez’s taxation, his “unjust enrichment” and the “dreamy irregularities in the recreation of the square he occupies, and which he obtained after a process, are “inscrutable.” selective and concurrent administrative”, as the accusations point out based on “press clippings and a screenshot.”
Specifically, regarding tax fraud, Emilio Cortés indicates that the expert report rules out not only the commission of any of the crimes against the Public Treasury, “but a simple irregularity of an administrative nature.” For this reason, the question is asked if the accusation for a crime against the Public Treasury is maintained or if it has never existed.
Regarding the personal enrichment of David Sánchez, the defense recalls that the UCO report rules it out. The defense maintains that there is “not a single objective data” that supports the “Clean Hands feeling.” This organization stated that the assets of Sánchez’s brother “reach two million euros”, the majority corresponding to “1.4 million in BBVA shares.” However, the Civil Guard dismisses this accusation, explaining that, probably, everything is due to an original error in the journalistic calculation that Manos Médicas later reproduced in its complaint. That news, the agents say, confused the nominal value of the shares in euros with the number of shares. Using the calculator on the BBVA website would have resulted in the unrealistic figure of 1.4 million euros. A second error regarding the revaluation of those shares gave rise to the final amount.
Finally, regarding the crimes against the Public Administration due to the call for the public employment position occupied by Sánchez, it is considered “uncertain” that it was created ad hoc, but rather that it existed previously and it was a new public call. The defense also emphasizes that it has not been proven “that our client had any link with Extremadura that supports the a la carte nature of that job; His brother D. Pedro, on the day of the official call, if the colloquial expression is allowed, had hit rock bottom in the political party in which he was a member, without a reasonable expectation of holding a relevant position. It also points out that none of the people who presented themselves to occupy the position filed an appeal against the award to David Sánchez.
For all this, the defense asks in the brief what is the “concrete and tangible” indication of criminality against Sánchez in the police report because “none appears in the judge’s order.” Furthermore, the lawyer recalls that none of the emails intercepted and included in the UCO report have been generated or received by Pedro Sánchez’s brother, “so the thesis of a possible criminal pact with causally relevant intervention of this investigated is merely suspected.”
#Pedro #Sánchezs #brother #adheres #Prosecutors #appeal #asks #investigated