“Always move forward, companions, to the left.” The general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, closed his closing speech at the party’s 41st Federal Congress with these words, before singing the alto La Internacional. In his speech, Sánchez announced his intention to create a “large public company” to build and manage housing. He also outlined other proposals approved in Congress, such as the obligation of large companies to share a portion of the profits with your employees, wave ban on more tourist homes in saturated areas.
Sánchez, with his wife Begoña Gómez applauding in the front row, has insisted on displaying his management at the head of the Government as “the most advanced in Europe.” “Today we are inspiration for others, a pillar of social democracy. That’s why they attack us. And before each attack, a progressive policy published in the BOE,” he said.
That has been precisely the common thread of his entire speech. According to Pedro Sánchez, his figure and his government are victims of “the most disloyal opposition in Europe”, with a campaign orchestrated by the “extreme right and the right hostage” at the national level, and also by an “ultra-right and conservative” international that has the collaboration of “media, tabloids and agents of disinformation” to attack him.
“They do not forgive us the motion of censure in 2029, the victory in the 2019 elections and in 2023,” he insisted. “They attack us because we are a clean government,” He has mentioned as the only mention of all the cases of corruption that affect the Government and the party.
“They attack us because we govern better than them“Sanchez indicated, to give as an example of this better management the actions of public officials during the DANA, in contrast to what others from the PP did “who were not in their workplace.” Among the people he has praised his performance, “our beloved Emiliano García Page”, one of the critical voices from within the PSOE with Pedro Sánchez.
Sánchez has insisted that the “PSOE is a party of winners” and the objectives have been set to win the next general, regional and municipal elections.
#Pedro #Sánchez #attack #clean #government