Pandora ‘s papers Yle: Onni Sarmaste, a businessman known for his mask shops, has companies in tax havens

Sarmaste says he does not remember his companies in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

From their mask shops a businessman who has become known Good luck in Sarmaste there are secret links to tax havens, according to a Pandora Papers data leak. He told me about it Yle on Sunday night.

It is clear from the leak that Sarmaste has owned companies at least in Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

Sarmaste has replied to Yle that he does not remember any of his two tax haven companies.

Sarmastetta suspected of gross fraud related to the Security of Supply Centre’s mask purchases at the beginning of the corona crisis in the spring of 2020.

In the spring of last year, Sarmaste signed a contract worth five million euros trade with the Security of Supply Center, but the masks he supplied were eventually revealed to be of poor quality.

Based on information found in Pandora’s papers, the beneficial owner of Shallowaters Trading, a Cypriot company in Sarmaste, was concealed.

The Cypriot law firm Dadlaw, which sells tax haven services, was listed as a shareholder in the public shareholder register. It is one of 14 companies whose documents make up the Pandora Papers Leak.

A company was set up in Sarmaste and a bank account for Cyprus.

Documentation according to Sarmaste estimates that the company would receive about 250,000 euros a year.

Sarmaste confirmed to Yle that he also had a company in Switzerland

It is clear from the documents that money has also been transferred from the Cypriot company to Maxivantage, a company from the Virgin Islands in Sarmaste.


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