The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has expressed his frontal rejection of the agreement reached between the PSOE and JUNTS in immigration matters. “It is extremely serious because it is an unacceptable assignment of powers that must be exclusive to the State,” said Page in a forum organized by the Digital of Castilla-La Mancha. “The State cannot leave the State,” said the socialist baron that has stressed that the assignment of immigration powers to Catalonia puts fundamental principles of democracy and territorial equality.
García-Page has also shown his “embarrassment as a socialist, citizen and democrat” before a pact that, in his opinion, “Dynamite any possibility of a state pact on immigration».
The Castellanomanchego leader has been especially overwhelming by qualifying Carles Puigdemont and together of «extreme right, racist and identity». In this sense, he regretted that the left assume a speech that, in his opinion, is “a Trump transposition” in the Spanish context. “I hope someone takes from the argument that there is a wall against the extreme right because it is agreed with the worst.”
“I hope this does not go ahead”
Finally, the president of Castilla-La Mancha has affirmed that he hopes that the proposition of the law “does not go ahead” in Congress, although he has not wanted to focus the debate in itself the assignment of immigration powers, “fruit of the carambola of 23-J”, is constitutional or not. «It can be constitutional, but what is clear is that an extreme right approach“Page reiterated, who asked that there are no decisions that should be consulted to public opinion.”
“You cannot rule at any price without limits if you start from moral approach,” Page concluded that Puigdemont is right because “immigration powers are competencies of a state”
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