Politician Pablo Echenique (Podemos) replied with humitter humor a joke they made about him in the program The revolt (1) on account of a possible mastery of machines over humans.
“In the future war against machines, which are left for three or four years, maybe, when Elon Musk and Trump replace Mexicans with robots …“The collaborator Jorge Ponce said in his section to David Broncano.
“Echenique president,” Grison intervened, referring to Echenique moves thanks to a robotic wheelchair. “Exactly, he gives at least one council, “Ponce supported the comment.
Now, Echenique has answered on Twitter, always in a good mood and taking the joke on him and his disability. “Much jijijá with me, funny The revoltbut, when I really put me in charge of the global robot army, you will miss running field, “he said.
Demonstrating to be a fan of cult films as Terminator, referred to the AI that takes control in that saga of action films: “When Echeskynet plugs a central to use as batterieswe’ll see who laughs then, “said Echenique.
#Pablo #Echenique #responds #Revuelta #joke #running #field