Online store|If, for example, a product ordered through Temu causes health problems, it may be almost impossible to get a refund from a Chinese company.
Chinese online store The ethics and safety of Temu’s products have recently been under the magnifying glass.
The Consumers’ Union and the Europeans consumer organizations In May, Temu filed a complaint with the authorities and the EU Commission for violating the EU Digital Services Act.
Consumers justify buying from Temu at prices many times cheaper than in Finland. In Temu, it is possible to find products that look identical to products made in China that are resold in Finnish stores.
However, it is not possible to say with certainty whether the products are the same, even if they look the same and are made in the same country or even in the same factory, the General Secretary of the Consumers’ Association Juha Beurling-Pomoell states.
However, the products can be completely identical in terms of quality and material. Legally, the products are also subject to the same consumer protection, as all products sold in the EU must comply with EU legislation.
“Temu markets to Finnish consumers in the Finnish language and directs marketing to Finland and the EU. This means that they must comply with the same legislation as all other companies operating here,” says Beurling-Pomoell.
In practice however, protecting consumers is very difficult. If, for example, a product ordered through Temu causes serious health problems, it is almost impossible to get a refund from a Chinese company if the company is not cooperative.
According to Beurling-Pomoelli, this is one of the biggest differences between a product bought from a Finnish brick-and-mortar store and ordered from Temu’s platform.
“If you have bought, for example, a charger from a traditional brick-and-mortar store in Finland, which has caused a fire, there is a clear address and process for complaints.”
Made by European consumer organizations in inspections Several product safety problems have been found in the products sold in Temu. Among other things, cosmetic products have been found in Temu that did not contain a list of ingredients.
Environmental in terms of the most significant difference between the products Eetti ry’s sustainability expert manager Anniina Nurmen including the fact that Temu’s goods are transported to the consumer directly from the factory. This is British Broadcasting Corporation the BBC also includes one explanation for the cheapness of Temu’s products. Since middlemen are eliminated, the products become practically tax-free.
Nurmi says that because the delivery time for products ordered from Temu is very fast, the packages are mainly transported to Finland by air.
“Flying individual packages in large quantities from China to Finland causes significant emissions. In brick-and-mortar stores, products are usually ordered in larger batches, and they often arrive by land and sea, but also by air in some cases.”
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